
How to Graduate From Secured

How to Graduate From Secured to Unsecured Credit Cards
How to Graduate From Secured to Unsecured Credit Cards

How to Graduate From Secured to Unsecured Credit Cards

Secured credit cards require an upfront security deposit that becomes your credit limit. After demonstrating responsible usage for 6-12 months, issuers may graduate your account to an unsecured card and refund the deposit. Here are tips to successfully graduate from secured to unsecured credit.

How Secured Card Graduation Works

Secured card issuers report your monthly payment history to the three major credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Making on-time payments helps build your credit profile.

After seeing a consistent record of on-time payments and low credit utilization, lenders gain confidence in your ability to handle credit. At this point, they may decide to transition your secured card to an unsecured card.

This graduated, unsecured card comes with higher credit limits and no security deposit requirement. You get your original deposit refunded. Graduation represents a major step in establishing and rebuilding credit.

Graduation Timeline

Typical timeline for most issuers before considering account graduation:

  • Months 1-5 – Responsible payments made on-time
  • Months 6-11 – Consistent history of on-time payments
  • Months 12+ – Enough history to demonstrate changed credit habits
  • Months 12-20 – Possible graduate from secured to unsecured card

This demonstrates why having patience is important. You likely need to wait at least 12 months before graduation. Extensive history builds the strongest case.

Graduation Eligibility Criteria

Each secured card issuer has their own criteria, but common requirements for graduation eligibility include:

  • 12 months of consecutive on-time payments – Proves ability to pay responsibly
  • Keep utilization under 30% – Shows ability to manage available credit
  • No new delinquencies – Confirms changed credit habits
  • Improved credit score – Demonstrates reduced default risk
  • No recent card applications – Favors long-term customers over credit seekers
  • No over-limit charges – Indicates staying within approved limits
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Meeting graduation requirements makes you a lower credit risk in the issuer’s view. They become more willing to extend unsecured credit.

Graduation Requests and Reviews

Rather than waiting and hoping for graduation, take proactive steps:

  • Request reviews – Ask your issuer to review for graduation eligibility every 6 months.
  • Provide updated info – If income or score improved, share documentation.
  • Accept lower limits – Being flexible on unsecured line size can help during transitions.
  • Watch for offers – Issuers may pre-approve existing customers for new unsecured cards when eligible.
  • Seek alternatives – Consider applying with other lenders once your credit improves.

Persistence and patience are key. Celebrate small credit limit increases as progress while building towards graduation.

Graduation Denials and Requirements

Despite your best efforts, graduation requests can still be denied. Common reasons include:

  • Insufficient credit history – More time needed to demonstrate changed habits.
  • Past missed payments – Even one 30+ day late can reset graduation timelines.
  • High utilization – Maintain low balances relative to credit limits.
  • New collections – Resolve any outstanding bad debts before reapplying.
  • Drop in credit scores – Improve factors lowering your scores.
  • Applying for new credit – Too many new accounts can signal increased risk.

Understand that graduation is a privilege rather than a guarantee. Continued responsible usage is the best path forward if denied.

Graduation Secured Card Strategies

Apply the following tips to maximize your chances of account graduation:

  • Open card with issuers known for graduating customers
  • Make payments 5-7 days before the due date every month
  • Keep balances very low relative to credit limits
  • Set up autopay and paperless billing to never miss payments
  • Avoid applying for other new credit during seasoning period
  • Only use card for planned purchases you can repay right away
  • Check credit reports and scores regularly via non-inquiry sources
  • Build savings to show ability to manage finances responsibly
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Following a conservative usage and payment strategy shows issuers you understand the value of using credit wisely.

Continuing Education After Graduation

Once you graduate to unsecured credit, keep learning:

  • Understand card terms and manage new unsecured line of credit responsibly
  • Consider ongoing benefits like rewards compared to other card options now available
  • Weigh upgrading to premium travel and cash back cards as income and credit scores rise
  • Shift usage from former secured card and explore best ways to optimize new unsecured account
  • Build savings and pay all bills on time to continue strengthening your credit profile

Graduation represents a new beginning rather than the end goal. Use your new unsecured access as a stepping stone to greater credit management education.

Key Takeaways on Secured Card Graduation

  • Allow at least 12 months before expecting to graduate
  • Proactively request credit reviews for graduation
  • Keep utilization very low and make on-time payments
  • Persist if denied at first and understand issuer requirements
  • Continue responsible usage of new unsecured card after graduating
  • Think long-term and focus on continually improving credit habits over time

With a combination of patience, diligence, and responsible credit management, graduating from secured to unsecured credit cards is an achievable milestone in building your credit.

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